Cynthia Andela, President & CEO
Cynthia Andela is President and CEO of Andela Products, a leading manufacturer of glass recycling equipment and systems for more than 25 years. Andela Products has developed a unique technology for processing glass and provides creative solutions for all types of scrap glass reduction and separation. Cynthia Andela has developed processing plants that produce recycled glass commodities for bottle recycling and pulverized or crushed glass sand for local markets.
Andela Products is a woman owned business (WBE certified) with a focus on developing sustainable and circular solutions for waste glass. It provides local processing systems that turn waste glass into glass sand or aggregates that can be used in the community.
In 2013, Cynthia Andela, started Ruby Lake Glass, LLC, a glass recycling company with a proprietary process for color coating recycled glass; offering color, texture, and durability in road safety markings, landscaping, polished concrete, and as a specialty coating.
Cynthia Andela holds a Bachelor of Science from Calvin College, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a Master in Business Administration, MBA, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Bob Bylone, President & CEO
Robert (Bob) J. Bylone, President & CEO, Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC)
Bob Bylone leads a state-wide team to bring markets development assistance to an extensive list of stakeholders including entrepreneurs, manufacturers, recycled material processors, recycling programs, haulers, and agency officials.
Building and supporting Pennsylvania’s $22.6B recycling marketplace, RMC outreach includes feedstock supply connectivity, applied research and commercialization assistance, technology acceleration, and service as a concierge to technical and business growth information. The RMC bridges relationships between economic development and recycled materials supply.
With nearly 30-years in the industry, Bob has experience at Penn State University in water/wastewater training and research; as a County Recycling/Solid Waste Coordinator; Copperhead Chemical Company as a project/environmental, health, and safety engineer; and at Junkins Engineering as a project engineer. Bob has experience with projects completed in over 25 states and 30 industry sectors.
Bob is a US Green Building Council LEED Accredited Professional, is trained as an ISO 14001 auditor, and is certified as a senior level recycling professional through the Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP).
Bob holds Master and Bachelor degrees in Environmental Engineering from Penn State University.