November 16, 2019
HARRISBURG, PA – In recognition of America Recycles Day, November 15, and selected through a nationwide invitational process, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC) accepted the call to participate in the first Environmental Protection Agency 2019 America Recycles Innovation Fair, Washington, D.C. Supporting “Made in PA,” the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center showcased 25 Pennsylvania manufacturers’ recycled content products as follows:
Recycled Glass Products
- AeroAggregates of North America, LLC
- CAP Glass, Inc.
- Cougles Recycling, Inc.
Recycled Plastics Products
- Advance Drainage Systems, Inc.
- Casual Living Unlimited, LLC
- EcoStrate SFS, Inc.
- Engineered Plastics, Inc.
- HydroBlox Technologies, Inc.
- MCS Industries, Inc.
- Nursery Supplies, Inc.
- Rehrig Pacific Company
- Santana Products
- Trex Company, Inc.
- Ultra-Poly Corporation
- Waste Not Technologies, LLC
Recycled Cardboard & Paper Products
- American Eagle Paper Mills
- Armstrong World Industries
- Erie Energy Products, Inc.
- Henry Molded Products, Inc.
- Newman & Company, Inc.
- PittMoss, LLC
Recycled Tire Rubber Products
- Mahantango Enterprises, Inc.
- Regupol America, LLC
Recycled Wallboard Products
Recycled Organics – Compost
At the RMC display, Andrew R. Wheeler, EPA Administrator, was able to spend a few minutes reviewing the Pennsylvania product showcase. During the Innovation Fair, RMC representatives were able to inform attendees that “Recycling Means Business” in Pennsylvania. This is demonstrated through the estimated $22.6 billion contributed annually in gross state product to the economy from the recycling marketplace; 66,000 people directly employed in recycling and recycling related businesses; and about 110,000 other jobs supported because of recycling, totaling 176,000 Pennsylvania jobs.
About the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC)
The Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC) is an independent, Pennsylvania non-profit corporation with mission to reduce or eliminate barriers that lead to new expanded use of Pennsylvania’s recycled materials. The RMC team brings markets development assistance to a near endless list of stakeholders including entrepreneurs, manufacturers, recycled material processors, collection programs, haulers, and governmental agencies. In operation since 2005 and with funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the RMC has an affiliation with Penn State and is headquartered at Penn State Harrisburg with an office in Pittsburgh. Core areas of RMC outreach include feedstock conversion pairing, applied research and commercialization assistance; technology acceleration; and service as a concierge to technical and business growth information. Building and supporting Pennsylvania’s $22.6B recycling marketplace, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center bridges relationships between economic development and recycled materials supply. Expediting time-to-market of recycled-content products and processes, RMC creates circular economy in Pennsylvania.
Robert J. Bylone, Jr., Executive Director, President, Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center
717.948.6660 / Email Bob Bylone / PennRMC.org