Speaker: Lisa A. Skumatz, PhD, Economic Research Associates, Inc.Where:
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Lisa A. Skumatz, PhD
Economic Research Associates, Inc.
The recycling industry is facing one the most significant recycling markets disruptions in history. Municipalities and recycling material processors are looking for the best ways to survive and maintain their programs. Dramatic contract revisions and even cancellations are being considered. Efforts are now focused on improvement the quality of product by reducing contamination, particularly with single stream materials. What options are available that will allow programs to continue – and improve both contamination and other recycling market issues ? This webinar will discuss nine methods that have been tried in the US and overseas and will focus on the central role that MRFs hold in the equation. In addition, three of the most promising strategies being tried to improve the situation in the US, and “pros and cons” cases studies on how communities can move forward will be presented. The critical role of economic principles and Gresham’s Law will also be discussed.