Register Now – Exploration of Recycling Markets Surrounding  Solar  Panel Systems

Solar Panel System Recycling

Virtual Markets Development Summit

Thursday June 23, 2022

9:00am – 12:45pm EDT



Please join us on June 23st 2022 for a virtual 1/2 day symposium on a variety of solar PV recycling topics.


Session topics include:


9:20 – 10:30a Emerging Policy
  • Senator Gene Yaw, Chair, Environmental Resources & Energy Committee; PA State Senate 
  • Evelyn Butler, Vice-President, Technical Services Section; Solar Energy Industries Association
  • Taylor Curtis, Legal & Regulatory Analyst; National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Ron Vance, Senior Advisor; Environmental Protection Agency 


10:35 – 11:25a Developing Standards of Recycling Practices
  • Sean De Vries, R2 Director; SERI 
  • Kelley Keogh, Co-Founder; Green Eye Partners
11:30 – 12:35ap Manufacturing, Operation, Recycling & Reuse of Solar Panel Systems
  • Edwin Mopas, Environmental, Health, & Safety Manager; Sun Power Corporation
  • Jim Nordmeyer, Vice-President, Global Sustainability; OI 


Register Here

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021


David Keeling, Regional Sales Manager for the East Coast, ARCA Recycling, discusses the process used to recycle appliances.

When an appliance stops working and cannot be repaired, most people can simply place it at the curb or let the delivery crew take the old one when the new appliance is installed. As recycling professionals, we need to think through the appliance recycling process to determine what system is best for our constituents, our community and the environment.

This webinar will discuss the process used to recycle appliances in most areas of the country and the components that need to be properly managed by the company processing the appliances from your program.
Missed the Webinar? Find it in the RMC Webinar Library

Presenter Biography

David Keeling

David Keeling is the Regional Sales Manager for the East Coast with ARCA Recycling, better known as Appliance Recycling Centers of America. ARCA Recycling has been the leader in appliance recycling for 40 years. The company is based in Edina, MN and has 18 processing facilities around the country.

Prior to joining ARCA Recycling, Mr. Keeling worked as the Director, Recycling for the Steel Recycling Institute (SRI), a business unit of American Iron and Steel Institute. Prior to his departure in August of 2019, Mr. Keeling had been with the SRI in various positions since 1990.  Before joining the S.R.I., Mr. Keeling worked in various positions at Central Steel and Wire in Chicago, IL.

Mr. Keeling currently serves on the Board of Director of the National Recycling Coalition (NRC). He served as the President of the NRC from April 2018 until October 2020. He also currently serves as a member of the Wisconsin Council on Recycling which is a governor appointed citizen advisory board on recycling. He served as Chair of the council from 2018 until March of 2021.

Mr. Keeling has been a member of every viable state recycling organization in the country and continues to be a member of multiple state recycling organizations across the country. He is serving his fourth term as a board member of the Illinois Recycling Foundation.

Mr. Keeling is a LEED Accredited Professional in the United States Green Building Council and has been a member of every USGBC chapter throughout the country and continues to maintain his membership in several USGBC chapters. He is the former Executive Director of the Midwest Steel Framing Alliance.

FREE to Attend / Register Here

Recycling Press Conference, Harrisburg

Senator Richard Alloway, II (R – Adams, Cumberland (part), Franklin (part),York (part) Counties) is holding a press conference on Senate Bill 800, the “Waste Electronic Equipment Recovery Act.” Senator Alloway is the prime sponsor of the Bill.

When: Wednesday October 25, 2017, 10:00a – 10:30a

Where: State Capitol, East Wing Rotunda

Downtown Harrisburg parking locations can be found at

Should you desire to meet with your representative(s) or senator while at the Capitol, you can find pertinent contact information at

Please consider attending to show your support for Pennsylvania e-waste recycling legislation.

PA Senate Hearing on Electronics Recycling

The Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is holding a public hearing on the Waste Electronics Equipment Recovery Act (Senate Bill 800) and updates to the Covered Device Recycling Act (Act 108 of 2010). The meeting announcement can be found here.

When: Tuesday October 24, 10:00a – 12:00p

Where: Room 8E-A, East Wing of the Capitol

Plan to attend to show your interests in determining an improved path forward for Pennsylvania electronics scrap management. An interior map of the Capitol can be found at this link

A parking map(s) of downtown Harrisburg can be found at

Should you want to meet with your legislator on electronics recycling or other concerns while at the Capitol Complex, use the Find My Legislator Link at

NRC/PennRMC Sustainable Materials Management Webinar Series





A partnership between the RMC and NRC in delivering innovative programming to those who are seeking integrated opportunities for materials management.


From the comfort of your own location, join us for this webinar series

Third Tuesday each month – July 2016 – June 2017

Topic matter and webinar schedules are subject to change

Stay in contact for programming announcements


At a Glance…




July                 The Perfect Storm – Economic Impact of Changes in the Recycling Industry

August            Recycled Metals Commodities Markets Update

September    The Impact of Glass Recycling in the Glass Container Industry

October          Battery Recycling 101

November      How to Sell your Organization to Foundations, Corporations, and Other Non-recycling Funding Sources

December      Environmental Justice Issues for Recycling Facility Development Projects


Coming Soon!!! – SMM Webinar Schedule for 2017


Topics will include:

PET Container Recycling Markets Trends and Challenges

Commercial Recycling: Drivers, Problems and Solutions

The Closed Loop Fund Update

Zero Waste in New York City – A Case Study


July 2016

The Perfect Storm – Economic Impact of Changes in the Recycling Industry

An industry expert will discuss the challenges recycling is facing, including changes in stream composition, rising labor costs, increasing maintenance and processing costs, and depressed commodity prices. Adapting to these challenges will require public and private sectors working together. Individuals must also understand and take on the costs of recycling as well as the negative impacts placing undesirable materials in the bin.

Tuesday July 19, 2016/1:30 – 2:45PM EDT

Presenter – Robert Anderson, Mid Atlantic Regional Business Development Manager, ReCommunity Recycling

Topic Subject Matter – Recycling Commodity Markets

Technical Complexity – Moderate

Registration Link:


August 2016

Recycled Metals Commodities Markets Update

An industry expert will provide an update of the recent turmoil in the metal commodities markets with a focus on recycled scrap metal.

Tuesday August 23, 2016/1:30 – 2:45PM EDT

Presenter – Joseph Pickard, Chief Economist and Director of Communications, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI)

Topic Subject Matter – Recovered Metals Commodities Markets

Technical Complexity – Moderate/High

Registration Link:


September 2016

The Impact of Glass Recycling in the Glass Container Industry

An expert in glass cullet purchasing and customer relations will explain the benefits of using recycled glass when making new glass containers, including, reduced energy consumption resulting in lower emissions, and 100% recyclability of the feedstock with no waste material in the forming process. In addition, several obstacles with using recycled cullet will be detailed, including, contamination that causes imperfections in the containers, which results in lost production efficiency, increased accident potential from glass related injury.

Tuesday September 20, 2016/ 1:30 – 2:45PM EDT

Presenter: Pam Baylor, Director of Purchasing and Customer Service, Anchor Glass

Topic Subject Matter – Recycled Glass Cullet

Technical Complexity – Moderate

Registration Link:


October 2016

Battery Recycling 101

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that Americans purchase and use nearly 3 billion dry cell batteries every year to power our electronic devices. The improper handling and disposal of batteries can create serious safety concerns and contaminate the environment. A professional battery recycler will provide an overview of make-up and characteristics of batteries that we use every day, the laws that regulate the handling transportation, recycling and disposal, and how batteries are processed and recycled.

Tuesday October 18, 2016/1:30 – 2:45PM EDT

Presenter: John Kincaide, President, E-Waste Brokerage Inc.

Topic Subject Matter – Battery Recycling

Technical Complexity – Moderate/ High

Registration Link:


November 2016

How to Sell your Organization to Foundations, Corporations, and Other Non-recycling Funding Sources

Marketing and promoting a nonprofit organization is a complex and ongoing task. Learn how to be successful at acquiring and sustaining funding for your NPO.

Tuesday November 15, 2016/1:30 – 2:45PM EST

Presenter: John O’Malley, Principal, O’Malley International Associates

Topic Subject Matter – Non-Profit Organization Funding

Technical Complexity – Moderate

Registration Link:


December 2016

Environmental Justice Issues for Recycling Facility Development Projects

This webinar will discuss the “Science of Inequality” as it relates to environmental justice issues faced by solid waste management and recycling facility projects. The term “Inequality” will be defined and the “Math” that quantifies the factors that influence it will be addressed.

Tuesday December 20, 2016/1:30 – 2:45PM EST

Presenter: John G. Waffenschmidt, Vice President, Environmental Science and Community Affairs, Covanta Energy

Topic Subject Matter – Environmental Justice

Technical Complexity – Moderate/ High

Registration Link:


About the National Recycling Coalition, Inc.

The National Recycling Coalition is a national non-profit advocacy group; a professional membership organization. The Mission of the National Recycling Coalition is to partner with and facilitate activities between and among non-profit organizations (NGO’s), businesses, trade associations, individuals and government to maintain a prosperous and productive American recycling system that is committed to the conservation of natural resources.  

Nearly 3000 members of the NRC span all aspects of waste reduction, reuse and recycling (local recycling coordinators, state and federal regulators, corporate environmental managers, environmental educators, consumers and waste management professionals) The Coalition represents and advocates for every sector of the recycling industry across the country. (on the local, state and federal levels). The leadership of the NRC strives to develop meaningful partnerships with corporate, government, and non-profit leaders to bring about important changes in the way we use, manage, and recycle natural resources. The Coalition provides its members with the tools and resources they need to convey to their community members, decision makers, and the news media the important benefits that recycling provides to our economy and environment.


National Recycling Coalition

1220 L St NW, Suite 100-155, Washington DC 20005




About the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, Inc.

Experts helping industry decision makers, entrepreneurs, inventors, and recyclers, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC) is a non-profit corporation with a mission to expand and develop markets for recycled materials; stimulate demand for products with recycled content; and understand up-to-date market trend data. RMC supports the recycling supply chain – manufacturers, end-users of recycled materials and products, recycling processors, haulers, and ultimately the consumer. Beginning at the demand-side of recycling markets, services include one-on-one materials management technical assistance and business growth consultancy; industry outreach and programming; applied research; and service as an enterprise portal to recycling markets development information. RMC strategically collaborates with many environmental, economic development, and technical assistance organizations – reducing barriers and fast-tracking time to market for processes or products that use Pennsylvania’s recycled materials.


Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, Inc.

Penn State Harrisburg, Church Hall 3rd Floor, Middletown, PA 17057


Recycling, Litter, & Waste Organizations Disapprove of Electronics Recycling Legislation and Proposed Amendment


(Harrisburg, PA) – In an unprecedented alliance of solidarity, five (5) of Pennsylvania’s recycling, litter, and waste management organizations representing key stakeholder factions affected by the Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA), Act 108 of 2010 have united in disapproval of CDRA and its proposed amendment, (HB1900 Ross). The Electronics Recycling Association of Pennsylvania (ERAP); Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful (KPB); the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC); the Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP); and the Keystone Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) are in consensus on the steps necessary to revamp and greatly improve access to electronic waste recycling opportunities for Pennsylvania citizens.

“CDRA inadvertently created an environment in which a once growing, Pennsylvania electronics waste recycling industry nearly collapsed,” stated Ned Eldridge, ERAP President. “This forced counties and recyclers across Pennsylvania to reduce or abandon their once productive programs.” According to a recent survey conducted by RMC in conjunction with Penn State, many e-waste collection sites and services are now inadequate to handle all devices as covered by the law and in many counties have ultimately ceased.

“We all concur that HB1900 will not remedy the situation,” said Jennifer Summers, PROP Executive Director. Shannon Reiter, KPB President agrees, “Strong similarities in member and stakeholder feedback independently experienced by each group reinforces that HB1900, like CDRA, fails to incentivize electronics manufacturers to fulfill their obligations and does not ensure a level playing field for collection programs; scrap recyclers; transporters; and most importantly, Pennsylvania consumers.”

The alliance has asked the Pennsylvania Legislature to review and consider their technical concerns, and have offered concepts for a comprehensive sustainable solution. Keystone SWANA President Robert Zorbaugh stressed, “The recommendations were authored by industry and policy experts and supported by a broad coalition of stakeholders that includes county and local governments.”

The full list of concerns and recommendations are available at a website developed by KPB to help educate the public about CDRA and related issues.

A sampling of the recommendations include:

Clearly defined Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) responsibilities Including a timeline to ensure reasonable and uninterrupted financial continuity to support the operation along with monetary incentives linked with performance criteria to promote efficiency, and cost reduction;

Comprehensive service coverage through a state organized system of services which assure that collection sites would operate in each county with or without the need for local government resources and responsibility.

Minimum standards for collection sites to help manage and control operational excesses and costs by site operators;

Just compensation and fair pricing by establishing a competitive bidding process for the State Default Plan services. The bill should require Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to cover the cost of all covered materials physically collected, transported, and processed under the system throughout the entire year;

Allowances for new technologies and options for cathode ray tube glass management, i.e., tube televisions and computer monitors;

Shared consumer responsibility for the program through inclusion of a reasonable point-of-purchase fee dedicated to fund administration, enforcement, education, and research/development but not the cost of recovery and processing which would remain the responsibility of the OEMs. Retailers should retain a portion of the fee (suggested $ 0.03) as compensation for their costs.

Each organization welcomes feedback and questions concerning electronics waste recycling issues; questions should be directed through the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center at or 717.948.6660.


For Organizational Information:

Electronics Recycling Association of Pennsylvania

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful

Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center

Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania

Keystone Chapter Solid Waste Association of North America

1 Billion Pounds – Recycling Markets Center Releases PA E-Waste Survey

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   |   June 10, 2016

(HARRISBURG, PA) – Over the last 5 months the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center (RMC) in partnership with the Center for Survey Research at Penn State Harrisburg completed a state-wide survey of Pennsylvanians to understand how much e-waste is likely destined for Pennsylvania recycling programs.

The survey was part of the Spring 2016 Penn State Poll.  Results are summarized as follows:

  • Less than half (44.4%) of Pennsylvanians know where to recycle electronics.
  • 65% of Pennsylvanians are willing to travel 10 miles or less to recycle electronics.
  • 50% of Pennsylvanians reported they do not want to pay anything to recycle their electronics.

With few “no charge” collection sites across the state that accept all electronics specified in Pennsylvania’s recycling law; a local distance a recycler is willing to travel, and half of Pennsylvanians not willing to accept an electronics recycling charge, electronics recycling is challenging at best.

Using the state-wide survey data, the RMC estimates and summarizes as follows:

  • Residentially, there are approximately 6.8 million tube televisions and tube computer monitors (CRTs) combined remaining in Pennsylvania, with an average weight of 58 pounds, down from an estimated 8.2 million units in 2015.
  • Residentially, the combined, estimated weight of tube televisions and CRT tube computer monitors in Pennsylvania is 396 million pounds.
  • The total Pennsylvania residential count of in use and out of use electronics equipment, including tube
    TVs, tube and flat computer monitors, flat screen TVs, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, pads, e-readers, printers, keyboards, mice/trackpads, and wireless routers is approximately:


  • The total Pennsylvania residential weight of in use and out of use electronics equipment, including tube TVs, tube and flat computer monitors, flat screen TVs, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, pads, e-readers, printers, keyboards, mice/trackpads, and wireless routers is approximately:


This is the equivalent weight of approximately 3,473 Statue of Liberty monuments.

It is important to know this survey does not define consumer intent – this does not account for when a Pennsylvanian may choose to recycle their electronic device, it may be this year or any other time in the future…

With limited locations that are reasonably accessible for recovery of lead-glass computer monitors and tube TVs and with significant amounts of these and newer electronics in our recycling, it is easily demonstrated why Pennsylvania needs a consolidated electronics recycling law.

Unfortunately, under Pennsylvania’s Covered Device Recycling Act, Act 108 of 2010, consumer outlets for recycling of waste electronics continues to decline.  According to Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center 2016 findings, only 32 collection sites state-wide accept all covered electronic devices at no charge to the consumer as specified in the Act.

What is needed to find a solution that provides relief to this economy?  We offer a few ideas to consider:

  • A consolidated, specific law, that is not deeply layered, that does not lead to interpretation.
  • Fair, competitive, and balanced criteria for establishing and sustaining collection, transportation, and recovery of electronics.
  • Expanded options for management of tube TV and computer monitor lead-containing glass.
  • Require reporting details that allow for data tracking and trend analysis, such that business forecasting and scientific review can be done.
  • Offer sound, organized, infrastructure such that a disposal ban of electronics waste is not a ban without a plan.

Experts helping industry decision makers, the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, Inc. (RMC) is a non-profit corporation with mission to expand and develop markets for recycled materials.  Services include one-on-one materials management technical assistance; business growth consultancy; industry outreach and programming; applied research; and service as a portal to recycling markets development information – fast tracking time to market for use of Pennsylvania’s recycled materials.  The Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center is funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and is headquartered at Penn State Harrisburg.


Download: PDF
Contact:  Robert Bylone
Executive Director, Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center

717.948.6660   |   Email

Report explores e-scrap landscape, proposes improvements

By Editorial Staff, E-Scrap News
June 2, 2016

A comprehensive report prepared for the Closed Loop Foundation digs deep into the current recycling landscape for e-scrap and electrical appliances. It also notes the industry needs to equip itself to handle a shifting material stream.

Read the full article at Resource Recycling.

Photo courtesy of David Wright CC-SA 2.0